
"Never Going Back Again"

Now, here you go again,
you say you want your freedom.
Well, who am I to keep you down?

Those are Stevie Nicks’ sentiments in the song “Dreams.”

Meanwhile, on another track from the album Rumours, Lindsey Buckingham sings,

Been down one time.
Been down two times.
I'm never going back again.

Things were heating up as Fleetwood Mac’s songwriters started exploring their feelings in the aftermath of their breakups.

That particular song of Lindsey’s, “Never Going Back Again,” is one of the most sonically distinctive on the Rumours album.  And the secret to getting that song to sound so sparkling, according to the co-producer of the record, is that during the recording process, they had the strings changed on Lindsey Buckingham’s guitar every 20 minutes.

“I’m sure the roadies wanted to kill me,” the co-producer said.  “Restringing the guitar three times every hour was a bitch.  But Lindsey had lots of parts on the song, and [we wanted each one to sound] magnificent.”

William Lindsey Cochran