
Tina in love!

Erwin Bach worked for EMI Records back in the ‘80s.  That was the record company that distributed Tina Turner’s records in Europe.  Tina had just flown into Cologne, Germany when EMI sent Erwin to pick her up at the airport.  Tina was 47.  Erwin was only 30.

“He was really so good looking,” Tina told People magazine.  “My heart was going buh-BUM, buh-BUM…which means that a soul has met…and my hands were shaking.”

At the time, Erwin wouldn’t have considered getting involved with one of his record company’s artists.  But during Tina’s visit to Germany, she told him, “When you come to L. A., I want you to make love to me.”

That was nearly 40 years ago, and Tina and Erwin are still together.  The young man who was once derided as being Tina’s “boy toy,” has stayed by her side to this day…even donating a kidney when she needed a transplant in 2016.

When Tina turned 50, Erwin asked her to marry him.  “I said, ‘I don’t have an answer.’  It wasn’t yes, it wasn't no,” Tina recalled.  She said she was wary of feeling controlled.  “Marriage says ownership.  I didn't want that ‘my anything,’ anymore.  I had enough of that.”

But years later, she would change her mind.

According to a July 22, 2013 post on the website for The Today Show, “The announcement last week that Tina Turner had wed her longtime partner Erwin Bach in Switzerland took the world a bit by surprise. But Turner wasn't done making headlines, saving the celebration of that wedding for this past Sunday — and based on multiple reports it was a lavish, star-studded affair.

“The gathering, at Turner's Swiss villa Algonquin estate on Lake Zurich, attracted 120 guests, including stars like Oprah Winfrey, Sade and David Bowie.”