
Great Moments in Vinyl plays The Class of 1973

When Great Moments in Vinyl takes the stage, we typically invite our fans to remember a particular album with us.  But for our next concert, we’re actually going to reminisce about the music from an entire year!  

1973 was the year American Graffiti was at the movie theatres, All in the Family was on TV, and The Vietnam War was finally at an end.  

It was also a year when the music coming out of our radios was amazing!  On both AM and FM!

Each of The Beatles had a hit of his own.  The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin were back with new records.

Women artists such as Linda Ronstadt and Roberta Flack were becoming big names.

While groups like The Steve Miller Band and The Doobie Brothers were building their momentum.

We started off 1973 trying to figure out who Carly Simon was singing about who was so vain.

While Marvin Gaye hung up his protest music and started singing songs of lurve.

There were one-hit wonders to enjoy who gave us such singles such as "Stuck in the Middle with You" and Dancing in the Moonlight."

While at the end of the year, Elton John delivered a double record set that became one of the most successful albums of his career.

And if those artists weren’t keeping you happy with their 8-track tapes, you could turn on your local Top 40 station and rock out with Alice Cooper or Grand Funk. 

Join us when we revel in the music of 1973…accompanied as always by stories about the songs and the musicians who sang them.